On twelve’s and sixteen’s, the gearshift lever was moved forward to the clutch housing.Added passenger space in the front compartment was achieved by moving the hand brake lever to the left of the driver, under the instrument panel.Bodies were two inches lower than on previous models.Cowl vents opened toward the windshield one vent on flat windshield bodies, two vents projecting through openings in the hood on Vee windshield bodies.Windshields were fixed and steeply sloping 18 degrees flat on Fisher bodies, 25 degrees flat or 29-1/2 degrees Vee on Fleetwood bodies.Hoods extending nearly to the windshield carried shutter type louvers in the side panel.A curious horizontal crease broke the nose contour of the fenders.The hood sills were high, with the entire fender shape molded into the radiator shell.Airfoil shaped front fenders were brought low over the chassis.Parking lamps were mounted in the headlight supports.

Bach trumpet serial numbers 5540 series#
Bodies on the V-8 Fleetwood Series were shared with the twelve’s and sixteen’s.Bodies on the Series 10 and 20 cars were built by Fisher.1934 Cadillacġ934 Cadillac’s were completely restyled and mounted on an entirely new chassis, but used the same basic engines as in 1933.