This video is a great aid to visuals of merching: I urge you to watch at least 3 mins of the video to find out how exactly to find margins. The second that you talk about “quick flips” or begin worrying about the speed of your flip is the second that your profits dip and you are put in the position to lose money.Ģ) This section is incredibly difficult to do without videos. The only way that merching in this respect is profitable is because you are flipping on a LARGE SCALE where profits are polarized and shown in the extreme.Īgain, the underlying reason that merching works is because of TIME. However, this is okay because it’s not much on a SMALL SCALE. You are essentially charging individuals for the CONVENIENCE of time in the fact that they will no longer have to wait for their items to buy/sell with the knowledge that they will not be saving/gaining as much money as they could be. You are buying items for a lower price and accepting the fact that it will take longer than normal to receive these items, then you are turning around and selling these same items for a profit, again with the knowledge that this will take longer than it would on average. THAT’S ALMOST $100,000 EXTRA DOLARS PER YEAR! This may not seem like much on a small scale when you think about the fact that the store probably sells around 1,000 candy bars per day, that means that they are making 260 dollars extra, just for CONVENIENCE. People are willing to pay $0.26 for CONVENIENCE. Have you ever been to a major populated city in the US, like Chicago? Well if you go to a gas station while in the heart of the city and buy a candy bar, let’s say in this case a Snickers Bar, it will cost you about $1.25, pretty reasonable right? Well why is it that when you are leaving the city and are 5 mins outside of Chicago that you can go to a different gas station and buy the exact same Snickers Bar for $0.99? Well the most common answer that you would get to this question is that the store in Chicago is closer, and no one wants to spend the 15 mins to get out of town to save $0.26.
The helm of raedwald osrs how to#
So you may be asking yourself: ‘What is merching? I mean I’ve seen videos explaining it and they don’t really show or explain much, just how to find margins.’

My guide will be split into 4 parts, and I encourage everyone to read all 4 parts if they have never merched before and just the first and fourth part if you are experienced. My goal in making an in depth guide to merching is to show that merching is not only something very profitable but it is also something that I believe everyone can and should do. This leads to very ill informed merchers whom lose money as well as can really mess up market prices on items for players (yes 1 person CAN do that).

When I began merching quite a while back I very quickly found that many guides and videos are ill-informed and provide no real substance, and instead show just an example of a few items that you can easily flip. Intro: I know that this subreddit has a fairly negative attitude towards merching so I would like to preface all of this by saying that we are only talking about one type of merching in this guide: “Flipping” so every time I say merching just keep in mind I am talking about the individual taking advantage of NATURAL price fluctuations in the GE. This one will earn you a ban.ĭisclaimer: You are about to read a WALL of text, I am also re-posting it from yesterday as i posted it at around 11:30 pm central time and it seemed as if all of 5 people looked at it For more information about account bans, click here.

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The helm of raedwald osrs mods#
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